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If you have an animated short film(s) you would like to submit, please follow the SUBMISSION GUIDELINES below:

Email the following to: ilexholi [at]




  •  Film title (in English and original language, if different)

  •  Country the film was made in

  •  If a student film, what school and country?

  •  Length of film in minutes and seconds

  •  Year the film was made

  •  What language the dialogue is in (if any) *If in a language other than English, you must submit a copy with English Subtitles burned into the film/s.)

  •  Synopsis (briefly state what the animation is about without revealing too much!)

  •  Directors name, contact info and photo 

  •  Directors bio (brief description of directors life - year born and country, studies, worked/working, films worked on, and anything else you'd like to add etc) 

  •  Composers name/s

  •  Other credits (animator/s, producer/s, writer/s etc)

  •  Company name

  •  Technique used 

  •  Software used

  •  Trailer / Teaser (if you have one, please include link)

  •  Still images from animation (one or more, please send)

If you are submitting more than one film, please include info for each, in seperate emails.

Rules for your animation

  • Length must be between 30sec and 30mins.

  • Format must be Quicktime .mov or .mp4 extension and High Definition. 

  • Online submissions (send download via wetransfer) or physical DVD/CD PAL or all region format mailed (email for address do not send to address on website!)

  •  If your film is in another language, please ensure you have English subtitles burned onto it.

Deadline: July 30th 2013

Open to all styles of animation, from any country. Looking forward to your entries!

Main Submissions Closed
Re-Opening January 2014

Have you made an animation without music or would you be happy for your film to be played with live improvised or read music? If so, please contact us! We will have a live music to animation performance as part of Eden Underworld. You may find the submission guidelines here.


If you're a local musician, we're looking for a few who can read music to join us at the evening event Eden Underworld, to play live accompaniment to select animations. The group will be lead by Californian composer Arnie Rodriguez‬, and you must be able to meet up a few times prior to the festival date to rehearse. It will be a mixture of set music and improvisation. Please get in touch with me if you're interested, or pass on the message. Thanks!



Silent Animations        ~        Musicians

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