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Animated Eden 2013 is a one day pilot animation festival to raise money for next years bigger festival, where we will be screening more films and hosting more animators! We ask for a donation to attend, and anything you can afford to help run this first and future events, and help spread animation to more corners of the globe is endlessly appreciated!




Cumbria's First 

International Short Animation

​Film Festival​​

Rabbit and Deer

Péter Vácz



The friendship of Rabbit and Deer is put to the test by Deer's new obsession to find the formula for the 3rd dimension...

The Piper

Daniel James


Will you come out to play?

The Gift

Julio Pot



A beautifully subtle depiction of a relationship.

The Animal Book

Chris Randall



​​In a city of cog-mechanized buildings, even their sun is a giant lightbulb and the moon; a stud-riveted mirror, will a flying book change the life of two sisters?

Headliner Barry Purves


Excited to announce Oscar Nominee Barry Purves will be joining us at Animated Eden.


See the Art of Wallace and Gromit!


The festival will take place in the Rheged Centre where The Art of Wallace and Gromit exhibition will be running along side!



The Eagleman Stag

Mikey Please



If you repeat the word 'fly' for long enough it sounds like you are saying 'life'. This is of no help to Peter. His answers lie in the brain of the beetle.

The Triange Affair

Andres Tenusaar


There is no triangle without corners. There is no direction without a triangle. There is no movement without a direction.

Being Bradford Dillman

Emma Burch



Meet Molly Flowers and her self-medicated mother...

Benjamin's Flowers

Malin Erixon



Benjamin's lack of love and company has placed him on the blurry borderline between fantasy and reality, where it can be hard to understand what's what.
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